
Creating joyful and sustainable character-based relationships among individuals, couples, families, communities, and workplaces.


  • Creativity with Excellence.

  • Positive Spirit with love and Friendliness.

  • Truthfulness with Reflection and integrity.

  • Service with Humility and Compassion.

  • Unity with Respect and Justice.

  • Respect for all people as noble human beings engaged in personal transformation.

  • Purposefulness with meaningful and positive outcomes.


Character is the sum of positive qualities you develop as strengths, such as truthfulness, compassion, dependability—your moral compass and ethical strength.

In our challenging world, many seemed to have lost track of the important facet of character and its contribution to excellent relationships and outcomes:

  • Individuals and groups can gain character knowledge and skills to build better lives.

  • Conscious and proactive personal character development positively influences all aspects of a person’s words and actions.

  • Character-based choices and decisions drive excellent relationships of all types.

  • Relationships between people with many character strengths are connected and constructive instead of conflicted.

  • Group consultations that are character-based result in better decision-making.

CharacterYAQ Learning Goals

  • Understand different methods of how character can be developed.

  • Understand the dynamics and benefits of integrating diverse character qualities or virtues.

  • Understand the integration and dynamics of healthy relationships and character development in the home, workplace, and community.

  • Develop an ongoing CharacterYAQ framework for learning. See definitions.

Why YAQ?

[verb or noun; pronunciation: yaak]

Integrating people, relationships, and choices.

YAQ could also mean whatever rocks your world...

  • Your Authentic Questions

  • Yo! Always Questioning

  • Youth Acting Quickly

  • You Actually Quitting?

  • Your Amazing Quotient

  • Young Adults Questing

  • Between the Tibetan Yak and the yakking of persistent chatter, we hope that YAQ makes life better for you, your friends, your tribe or community, and the entities you want to influence or change.

And if you want to put some character into your YAQ or your friend's, partner's, co-worker's, or employee's YAQ—well here we are!